Saturday, December 29, 2012


1A SURNAME PART I - INTERVIEW PART II - VIP + Improvement needed BELMONTE 9 9 BENLLOCH + + BURGOS 7 7 CARAÑANA 8.5 9.5 CASTILLO 8 8.5 COMES 8 9 GALERA + + GARCIA CON 7 8 GARGALLO 7 6.5 HERNANDEZ + + HERNANDO 9.5 9 LANDETE 8 + LIRIO 6.5 6.5 LOPEZ P -MC 8.5 + LOPEZ T -I 7 7 MACHADO + + MARQUES H-H + + MARQUES R-J 9 8.5 MENDOZA + 7.5 MORA 8 8.5 ORDIÑANA 9 8.5 RUIZ M -RM + 9 RUIZ S-P 9.5 10 RUSSO 7 8.5 SAIZ 7 9.5 SANCHEZ 6.5 6 TARIN 7 8.5 TORRES + 7 1C ABAD 9.5 9 ARNAU 7 8 BASCUÑANA 7.5 8 BRAU M 7.5 6.5 BRAU R 8 7.5 CANO M + 8 CANO S 7.5 8 ESCRIG 9 + ESTEVE + 9.5 FITA 9.5 8 GARCIA L + + GONZALO 9 8 HERMAN + 7.5 IBAÑEZ 8 9 JIMENEZ MS 7 8 JIMENEZS 8.5 9 MARTINEZ 7 8.5 MESA 8 8 MOLLA 9.5 9.5 MONSALVE 10 8.5 PADILLA 7 8.5 PALMA 7 7 PASTOR 6.5 + PINAR 9.5 9.5 RAMIREZ 7.5 8.5 ROCHER + 6 RODRIGO 8.5 8.5 RODRIGUEZ 7 9.5 SALVADOR 8.5 7 TAMARIT 9.5 8.5 TORRES J + 8.5 TORRES AM 7 8 VEGA 6 7.5 VIVES 10 9.5

Sunday, May 29, 2011


(os recuerdo que en actas solo figura Apto/No Apto en cada destreza)


(FIS 1,2,3
R - L - W - O + notas evaluacion cont)

Blazquez 9.5 7.5 7 7 Sobresaliente

Font + + + +

Gomez G 10 9 9,5 6,75 Sobresaliente

Hernandez 10 9,25 8,8 8 Sobresaliente

Herrero 9,5 9,75 8,2 7 Sobresaliente

Jareño 10 8,25 7 6_ Bien

Lukina 10 9,5 7,9 8 Sobresaliente

Luzon 9 9,5 7,3 7 Sobresaliente

Martí 10 8,5 9,2 9,75 Sobresaliente

Martinez 9 6- 8,5 6_ Aprobado

Miralles 10 8,75 10 9,5 Sobresaliente +

Moliner 10 9 10 10 Sobresaliente +

Nohales 6- 6- 8,8 6 - Aprobado

Onate 4 6_ 6,1 9

Palomares 8 7,25 6,6 6_ Aprobado

Paños 9,5 6 7,8 8,25 Notable

Pastrana 10 8,75 8,5 8,5 Sobresaliente

Romero 10 9 10 10 Sobresaliente +

Ruiz 9,5 9 7,7 8,5 Sobresaliente

Vara 9,5 7 9,5 6,5 Notable

Veintimilla 10 7,25 9,4 8,25 Sobresaliente

Visier 10 8,25 9,2 8 Sobresaliente

Zamora 9 8,5 6,1 6,75 Notable

Zaragoza 9 8,75 9 7,25 Sobresaliente


(os recuerdo que en actas solo figura Apto/No Apto en cada destreza)


(FIS 1,2,3
R - L - W - O + notas evaluacion cont)

Cancer 9 -9.5 - 9 9 Sobresaliente +

Cantero 9.5 -8.5 -8.3 -8 Sobresaliente

Castaño 9.5 -7 -10 -9 Sobresaliente

Chinchilla 6_-6_-6.8-6 Aprobado

Coll 9.5 -7.75 -4.6 -8

Cotanda 8.5 - 4.25 - 7.7 - 9

Cuñat 9 - 8 - 9 - 7 Sobresaliente

Fernandez 10 - 8.25 - 9.4 9 Sobresaliente+

Ferrer 10 10 10 9 Sobresaliente+

Gallel 9 - 6.5 - 7.2 7.5 Notable

Garcia-Cons 9.5 - 6 -4 - 6_

Gilabert 10 - 8.5 - 10 - 8 Sobresaliente

Kurylo 9 - 9 - 8.4 - 9 Sobresaliente

Lopez 9 - 7.5 - 8.4 - 8 Sobresaliente

Maria 8 - 8 - 6.7 - 6 Notable

Martinez 9.5 - 8 - 5.2 -6_

Navarro 8 - 6.5 - 8 - 9 Sobresaliente

Nouselles 8 - 5 - 6_ -6

Peña 7 - 6 - 6.8 - 6- Aprobado

Perez 9 - 7.75 - 9 - 8 Sobresaliente

Romero,N 9.5 - 8 - 10 - 8.5 Sobresaliente

Romero Vas 7.5 - 8.5 - 5.2 - 6.75

Salas 7 - 6_- 6_ - 6.5 Aprobado

Sanz 7 - 8 - 7 - 6.5 Notable

Tebar 9 - 7.25 - 6_ -6_ Aprobado

Vives San 7.5 - 7.25 -9.7 - 9 Sobresaliente

Vives Ter 5.5 - 6 - 5.7 -5

Sunday, May 1, 2011


1-Questions 2-Past tenses

Blazquez 9 8
Font + +
Gomez 6.5 8.4
Hernandez 9 7.6
Herrero 7.5 6.8
Jareño + +
Lukina 8.5 8.4
Marti 9 8.8
Miralles 8.5 9.2
Moliner 7 10
Nohales 8 6.4
Onate + +
Palomares 9 10
Paños 8.5 6
Pastrana 7.5 10
Romero 8.5 7.2
Ruiz + +
Vara 6 10
Veintimilla 8.5 10
Visier 8.5 8
Zamora 7 +
Zaragoza 7.5 +

TEST - 1º B

1-Questions 2-Past tenses

Cancer 8.5 6.8
Cantero 10 8.8
Castaño 10 9.2
Coll 9 +
Cotanda 9 8.8
Cuñat 9 7.6
Fernandez 9 9.6
Ferrer 9 8.4
Gallel 7 6.8
Garcia + +
Kurylo 9 8.8
Lopez Ant 7.5 9.2
Martinez 6.5 +
Mateo + +
Mateu + +
Navarro + 7.2
Nouselles 6.5 +
Peña +7.6
Perez 9 6
Romero 4.5 7.2
Romero Perez 9 7.6
Salas + +
Sanz 8.5 7.6
Tebar + 7.2
Vives + +
Vives Sanchez 7 9.2

No name ++


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What did you do last Sunday?

Did you wake up early or late?
What did you have for breakfast?
Did you go to church?
Did you go to the beach in the morning?
What did you have for lunch?
Did you have a siesta?
Did you watch TV in the afternoon?
Did you play a sport?